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Talk about your brand

Built upon a distinctive fashion philosophy, MISSTT is dedicated to discovering emerging Chinese fashion brands and curating a specialty store that showcases refined aesthetics through fashion, beauty, home décor, and lifestyle.

The name MISSTT derives from “Miss Trend & Timeless,” symbolizing a keen perception of fashion trends combined with an everlasting sense of style. As a specialty boutique that gathers avant-garde designs, we uphold an insatiable curiosity for creativity, bringing forward the unique aesthetics of Chinese designer brands to global fashion enthusiasts seeking something truly distinctive.

MISSTT is founded on the principles of Modernity, Timelessness, Originality, and Authenticity, respecting traditional craftsmanship while continuously exploring innovative brands. By crafting a highly edited space that blends art and culture, we not only lead fashion trends but also extend into beauty, home décor, and accessories, showcasing the boundless potential of emerging Chinese designs.

With a global perspective, MISSTT delves into the philosophies and histories of Chinese independent brands, growing alongside them and creating new fashion experiences together. Many brands made their debut at MISSTT before evolving into independent labels, becoming representatives of China’s new design movement. Notable examples include COMMONCE.NET, known for its futuristic silhouettes; SWEE TCHILLING, which fuses Oriental aesthetics; AChihara, celebrated for its experimental approach; and SHUSHU/TONG, a rising star on the international fashion scene. MISSTT has witnessed and actively contributed to the expansion and rise of Chinese fashion brands in the global market.

Beyond fashion design, MISSTT spans across beauty, home décor, and lifestyle, providing a comprehensive fashion experience for those who seek a unique and personalized aesthetic. From the sustainable luxury of TAKECARE to the fusion of Oriental craftsmanship and modern design by BAN XIAOXUE, and the pioneering vision of UMA WANG, MISSTT continues to discover Chinese brands that deserve global recognition.

Through its journey of brand development and cultural exploration, MISSTT has also launched a series of new concept sub-brands, including MISSTT Lab, which focuses on youthful street culture and cross-industry collaborations, and MISSTT Shoe, dedicated to curated designer footwear. Additionally, our expansion into lifestyle categories—covering home décor, art, and fragrance—further enhances MISSTT’s curated retail experience, offering deeper engagement with fashion and culture.

MISSTT has now established its online store at misstt.com and plans to open physical experience spaces, providing fashion lovers worldwide with a direct gateway to China’s emerging fashion scene. Looking ahead, MISSTT will continue to uncover and promote new-generation Chinese fashion brands, ensuring that the creativity of Chinese design is seen and celebrated on a global scale.

Join MISSTT as a member to enjoy exclusive discounts and early access to cutting-edge designer collections—ushering in a new era of Chinese fashion.

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